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As increasing numbers of prospective college students—as well as their parents, partners and/or friends—question the value of college degrees, it is now more important than ever that universities truly understand the needs of students as well as employers and offer 以公平的价格提供可获得的、有需求的学术课程.

我们的力量 legacy of helping students gain meaningful and powerful skills for entering the workforce, Immaculata maintains a focus on offering academic 满足雇主不断变化的需求的项目. Realizing that graduates do not want to be forever burdened by college debt, Immaculata提供 具有竞争力的价格和证明 获得本科和研究生学位和证书 传统年龄的大学生, 高级学位申请者 and 成人和专业学习者. 事实上,是无原罪 学费在特拉华河谷是最低的 for private institutions, and Immaculata has been named one of the northeast region’s 最实惠的大学.

Still not convinced Immaculata is the best university for you? 了解更多下载赌钱app手机版IU下面.

With a 10:1的师生比例,无原罪使学生 从关怀教师那里获得个性化的关注 在一个安全和友好的环境中. Rather than massive lecture halls and impersonal instruction, Immaculata provides 适当大小的学习环境 促进人际关系.

Immaculata has been preparing students for leadership and service for more than 100 years, 还有我们的学生 graduate with a strong sense of professional accountability, 责任感和终身学习的开放性. 许多Immaculata学生参加 有价值的实习和勤工俭学项目 作为他们学术课程的一部分. With 与行业领先组织的紧密联系 在费城都会区, our experiential learning opportunities help students build confidence and prepare for their careers as ethical professionals and service-oriented leaders. What’s more, our Office of Career and Professional Development works with students to provide a holistic and comprehensive approach to developing workforce-ready skills 为找工作做准备.

Forty minutes from Philadelphia and two hours from New York City and Washington, D.C.伊玛库拉塔大学是 right smack in the middle of one of the greatest cultural hubs in the world! With easy access to local and regional public transportation, IU students can broaden their horizons by visiting the birthplace of the United States, experiencing the attractions of the Big Apple and seeing our nation’s government at work. 而主要的历史景点是不错的, prospective students shouldn’t overlook the fact that the New Jersey shore, 特拉华海滩, and the Pocono mountains are also within close driving distance!

Beauty is just the beginning of Immaculata’s picturesque campus. 的机会 乐趣,服务,发现和宁静是无止境的,就像Immaculata一样 有家的感觉 and 提供完整的大学体验. 从俱乐部和运动到餐厅和宿舍, students can customize their involvement and know that they will thrive within our student community. 另外, IU’s safe and secluded—but closely connected—campus in the Philadelphia suburbs combines the traditional feel of stone-foundation buildings with state-of-the-art technology found in our immersive lab spaces.

Immaculata提供 符合市场需求的学术课程, giving students in-depth knowledge and opportunities to build their skills and 获得实践经验. Students feel confident and prepared for their careers as ethical professionals and service-oriented leaders. 学生们也享受到大学的好处 广泛的校友网络, which can assist them as they search for jobs and advance in their careers.

Gone are the days where universities make admissions decisions based on test scores rather than student background, 野心和成功的动力. 因此, 伊玛库拉塔大学所有专业的考试都是可选的,包括护理和相关保健. 事实上,不止如此 70% of the Fall 2022 incoming traditional freshman class did not submit SAT or ACT scores when applying for admission, so students began their studies in a pressure-free environment.

Immaculata is proud of the accomplishments of our graduates, and we help them 与Immaculata社区保持联系. This 强大的校友关怀网络 在商界工作的人, 医疗保健, 教育, sports, fashion, music and all sorts of other careers enables students to build their personal networks and 获得现实世界的职业见解 在他们梦寐以求的领域工作!

Our 学生是我们最大的财富, and the outcomes of their 教育al journeys are the greatest indicator of success in our mission. Based upon Immaculata大学’s history of originally serving women, 我们向男女同校模式的进化, and our core value of community (especially our respect for diversity), 我们身份的一个关键组成部分是 教育包含. 无垢者寻求成为 包容的同时努力培育精神, moral, intellectual and social/physical wellbeing of all our community members and 最重视学生的学习成绩. 同样的, as Immaculata大学 is committed to “formation of the whole person for leadership and service, 并赋予所有人寻求真理的权力, promote justice and engage in dialogue between faith and culture,” we instill in students the powers to fulfill their personal goals and to support others.

With 21个NCAA三级校队 从- + a中选择 男女混合的电子竞技队–student-athletes have ample opportunity to showcase their athletic talent. 百分之三十 我们的本科生 choose to represent Immaculata in a sport or multiple sports, 印第安纳大学拥有冠军的遗产, 包括1972年赢得的全国冠军奖杯, 1973, 1974年强力mac女子篮球队!

Woman standing in front of flags and wall sign that says Homeland Security Investigations


Her relationships with Immaculata professors helped Makenna Piaskowski ’24 get an internship with the cybercrime investigation taskforce of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).



学生们解释我们美丽的校园, 学术课程范围, 热情的社区让他们选择了伊玛库拉塔.




学生/教师比例为10:1, personalized academic attention is a hallmark of Immaculata’s programs.



Immaculata's 60+ undergraduate programs and 12+ graduate programs provide career-focused 教育 for in-demand jobs.



The Mighty Macs compete in the Atlantic East Conference in NCAA Division III.


Find out what an IU 教育 can do for your mind, your character and your future.